When upgraded to +20, it does 2,172 damage In addition, it has no additional stats, due to its longer range. It has a 15% critical chance and does 1,086 damage. The Oblivion is a legendary level 85 katana, dropped from the Gargoyle Reaper in Va' Rok. Despite its plain appearance it is very powerful. Yea, I know there are some command line commands to get things. I have some items I just don't want to sell and don't want to lose. Some say you can and the items wont disappear. Be careful not to use other containers as they reset after 3 days.
Another bonus is having a fast travel point there without having to walk through a town. It’s pretty much a furnished house without spending a Septim. But you have to clear a quest chain in Leyawiin with Mazoga the Orc. Some people say don't store items in trunks even in your own houses that you buy. You can store stuff safely in White Stallion Lodge. A very long katana with the blade presumably folded in on itself thousands of times during forging. So I bought a house, but I had suspicions, and searched more.